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inkredibleCARTRIDGE :30
Animation of graphics in this price and item spot.
SES Home Emporium :30
AdMARK Creative
Production is an investment in your success.  First, you need a strong offer or product.  Then you need  an idea that realtes to the customers need for the product or services.  And finally, you need well executed creative, with strong production values that will stand up and stand out in the places where it runs.
Typical rugs with prices. Lots of animation.
Testimonial, good production values. Talent in B&W, rest in clor.
Slush Pupppie 15+15 :30
Two slightly different animated spots with a jingle.
Morgan Furniture :15
Schultz Bus. Lunch :30
The client is the talent in these modest budget spots that focus on each month's 
offer and or circular.

In this "slice of life" business lunch depiction, two men discuss the advantage of using a CPA.
Randy Wilson Painting :30

Shopping Smart :60
This is one of a series on mini infomercials that ran on cable and broadcast in all nine of the Southeastern Salvage/Home Emporium markets.